SelaTox 10 ingredient accelerates the production of collagen and elastin cell in the skin and increases new cell (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid) of skin itself, therefore It improves whitening by creating healthy skin condition. The new cell formation removes Sediment in the skin, resulting in a fundamental whitening improvement. SelaTox 10 has the same effect as Botox and is a safe protein component that does not contain toxins.
SelaTox 10 provides moisturizing ability to keep skin moisturized and it strengthens the barrier of skin firmly and makes it healthy skin. It is excellent for skin regeneration and keeping skin moisturized. You can apply SelaTox 10 on where you want to, enhance skin tightening, reducing pores and dark circles.
Complex hexa content is normally 100~200ppm(=1~5%) for skin care. But SELA TOX10 uses 5,000ppm, which is the maximum high content as long as skin does not damage. SelaTox 10 is effective solution to enhance skin tightening, lifting and contouring. It is special serum used as Meso therapy and intensive skin care.
Package: 5vials * 5ml